The opportunities that everyone cannot see are real opportunities

The opportunities that everyone cannot see are the real opportunities.

Do not settle for just ‘Any Opportunity’

In an education system that operates almost like a machine, you may feel like it is not your choice to make when it comes to recruitments. You may feel like it’s more important that you be ‘the choice’ for whatever opportunity comes your way! And this is completely natural to feel when you have been brought up with a ‘herd mentality’ where it is mandatory to choose what is more lucrative/popular rather than what suits your talents, strengths and potential! But unfortunately, it has been a growing and disturbing trend for most MNC employees in India to quit their jobs before they turn 30! It is about time students learn to NOT settle for just ANY opportunity! This can only happen when both parents and students free themselves from the ‘herd’ and realize that they CAN pursue their dreams without sacrificing financial stability!

Seeking out the real opportunities

The first and foremost step towards getting your dream job is to recognize your strengths and work on honing your skills. However, there are many who end up taking up whatever comes their way despite having good knowledge in their field of interest. There are multiple reasons why this happens to most engineering graduates.

Why is it that so many bright young minds do not even get the opportunity to showcase their skills to the right employers? Well, the reason is simple! They simply are not trained to hunt out these opportunities. Now for the creme-de-la-creme tier 1 engineering pass-outs (eg. IITS, NITS etc), the right opportunities come knocking to select their candidates. But for the rest of us mortals, life is not as easy but that does not mean it is impossible to land up where your IIT pass-out friends have been selected. The important thing to keep in mind is that you need to seek out the real opportunities and network your way through to the right employer!

Seeing what everyone cannot see

The easiest route is often the wrong one in life! And so is it with recruitments. Most students just waste their four years of college life with the hope of being recruited by some of the popular mass recruiters which usually have tie-ups with colleges. So you may be far more deserving than your classmate but you will both end up doing the same job after the course is over. And after the initial charm of being inducted into an MNC has worn off, you will see the harsh reality of these cheap labour factories run by western clients. Saying that, not everyone’s story is the same and there are many who settle down well with their first jobs and find their passion in their assigned roles. However, if your interest does not lie in IT and you are forcing yourself to work every day, you will soon get depressed and lower your chances at success even more!
It is therefore important to see what others cannot see and look for off-beat opportunities that may not offer you a lucrative package at first but will lead you to a road of success nevertheless!

You may argue that it is almost impossible for an inexperienced engineering graduate to know so much regarding the job market and the various niche markets that are better suited to their talents. This is where a mentor steps in and opens doors you never knew existed! They have the experience and the knowledge that can guide you towards a job where you truly belong. There are many who already have an elder sibling or someone they know from the industry who can play the role of a mentor but for the many who are not as lucky, getting a professional mentor is the right way to go!