The question of whether to go for higher studies or not is one that has different answers which vary from individual to individual. Some of us are content with our careers and do not feel the need to invest in a graduate course. Others do not have the privilege due to their financial backgrounds and other dependencies. While there are others who simply feel that they would rather learn the necessary skills from free portals and sites as a degree does nothing to improve their job prospects!

Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Now if you are in two minds regarding this decision, you may as well ask yourself a few basic questions first!

  • Is it worth the risk quitting your job for a full time graduation?
    Those of you who feel that they are stuck in the wrong job may think it is worth the risk if there is a better opportunity at the end of the road. However it is advisable to discuss the risks and possible pitfalls with a mentor who has the necessary experience and wisdom to guide you through it all. There are many who make the mistake of quitting a good job for a course that has almost no market value!
  • Are you doing it just for a better paycheck?
    Frankly speaking, opting for a full time course just for a meagre increase in your pay scale will do you no good. You have got to have more reasons than that! Go for a graduation only if you are truly interested and willing to invest your time into learning some skills that will stay with you forever. If you are not passionate enough you will never really learn anything new and all that will remain with you is a useless degree!
  • Are you genuinely interested in the course you are about to take up?
    Again, this is related to the last question. If you are not really interested in a graduation and doing it just out of compulsion, you might as well not do it! You are going to quit your job and spend two precious years of your life behind a course. If you take the plunge blindly, it will do you more harm than good!
  • Do you think this course will be relevant in your domain five years from now?
    This should be a crucial part of your research before going for a graduation in any particular domain. Technology is changing more rapidly now than ever before. Especially for those in the field of information technology and computer science, you need to be far-sighted and predict which technologies may become obsolete in the coming years!

Reasons to Opt for Graduation

  1. A jump in your salary scale: A good graduation course might help you secure a 25 to 30% increase in your salary while going to a tier 1 MBA school might take that figure to somewhere between 60 to 150% as well! So, a potentially higher package is certainly one of the good reasons to opt for graduation (but definitely should not be the sole reason!).
  2. A possible career change: For those employees who are looking for a possible change in their career, it is certainly a great way to shift from one field to another. However the road may not be as easy as you think. A graduation is often looked upon by employers as an add-on resume booster along with your previous years of experience. When you are looking to get a job in a completely different domain, your work experience will not be of much value to your employers and this may pose a serious problem if you have not graduated from a Tier 1 school.
  3. To follow your inner calling: There are many students who often land up in the wrong profession due to lack of early mentorship. You may be one of them and you are probably dying to follow your passion and get out of a workplace where you do not belong! You can easily do this by opting for a graduation in your chosen field of interest. This will not only help you pursue excellence in what you really love but also help you get a job and earn a living out of your inner calling!

Reasons Not to Opt for Graduation

  1. Free learning portals are enough for you: If you are just looking to upgrade your skills and do not really need a full time degree in your resume, pursuing a graduation may not be the best idea. There are plenty of free learning sites with a great team of online teachers who can help you clear all your doubts and even get a certificate of merit at a fraction of the cost of a full time degree. At the end of the day, learning a new skill well is not necessarily an expensive affair in today’s day and age. All it takes is the will and the dedication to take out time regularly from your hectic work schedule!
  2. Waste of time, energy and money: A graduation course can burn a big hole in your pocket and also take up a good two years of your life. If you are earning a decent amount in your current profile, you should think twice before taking the plunge. It may do you more good to add two more years of job experience rather than opt for a graduation in the long run. Unless you want to waste a lot of money, time and energy behind a course that may not do you much good, it is better to stick to your job for the time being!
  3. Student loans make life hard: If your parents are not paying for the course, you will probably be taking a student loan for the same. If you are not experienced with taking a student loan before, you may as well learn from those who have! Nobody will ever advise you to take up a student loan unless you are absolutely sure about the ROI (return on investment) of your course! Paying off a student loan is tough and you will probably be giving out a major portion of your increased salary to the bank in the years to come!

Taking the Final Call

Whether you go for a graduation or not, you need to be confident that you are ready for the challenges that come along with it. However, proper planning and guidance helps to abate a majority of the common roadblocks. Weigh the pros and cons of your decision so that you are not left with any regrets in the future. While an education can never go to waste, quitting a good job in today’s competitive market can also be a huge risk. Therefore, it is essential that you do your homework well before taking the final call!