Interested in Studying Abroad – What to Expect

Interested in Studying Abroad – What to Expect

Studying abroad is a dream that many harbour but few can live out! There are many reasons why studying in a foreign university is considered to be the ticket to a bright future in our country. Graduating from a foreign university often ensures a permanent job in a country where the value of money is much higher as compared to Indian currency. It is a fast-track road to riches and a better lifestyle for those who are looking for greener pastures.

Getting the Hang of a New Culture

A new culture is never easy to adapt to, especially when you are a student and still not completely independent. While it may be an exciting new phase of your life, you need to be prepared for some bumps along the way. It is necessary to get as much information as you can before setting off on this new adventure alone!

Some of the things you might want to keep in your checklist are:

  • Know the common language well
  • Know the weather conditions well
  • Know the basics of money exchange
  • Know the power of networking
  • Know what is insured and what is not
  • Know some local customs and courtesies

Forming a Relevant Network of People

Once you land up in your chosen country (and your dream university!), it is essential to start forming a relevant network of acquaintances and friends there. Some introverts may shy away from this and argue that they can manage on their own but if you trust those with some experience, we would always advise you to form at least a few relevant connections. These connections will prove useful to you at various stages of your journey and may even end up getting you a referral for that dream job!

Budget Management

Budget management is a crucial part of studying abroad. Being a student in a foreign country, especially one that runs on dollars or pounds may mean a great deal of expenditure on the part of your parents/ guardians. Even with full scholarships, there are plenty of expenses that are not always covered for and have to be shelled out monthly from your pocket. If you are putting up in a dormitory provided by your college, you are lucky enough to save up on living expenses but for those who have to put up in an apartment or a PG, it may involve a substantial amount of money. And then there’s food and additional expenses which add up to your monthly budget and often drive you up the wall!

Part-Time Work Opportunities

For those of you who are interested in earning their own money while studying abroad, thankfully there are plenty of part-time working opportunities in countries like the USA, Canada etc. You can get employed as a part-time help at your university’s library or look for jobs outside the campus (in cafes, grocery stores etc.). There’s no dearth of part-time work for hard-working individuals and it is completely up to your willingness to work in shifts while continuing your usual classes.

Some important factors to keep in mind while working part-time for a local employer are:

  • You need to check if you are eligible to work outside your campus with your F1 student visa. It is harder to obtain permission for outside employment with an F1 student visa and you may need to obtain certain legal permits for the same.
  • Always keep your local guardian informed regarding your place of employment and the kind of work you are doing to avoid any legal trouble.
  • Know your working hours and make sure your class hours are not adversely affected by your part-time employment.
  • Know your rights as a part-time employee as employers can sometimes try to get more work done out of a part-time employee and even avoid paying overtime.

Planning Your Future in New Land

Many students who end up with a prestigious degree from a foreign university are often faced with the tough choice of whether to stay back or return to India. While that is something completely personal, it is always advisable to work for a few years at least to earn back the expenditure of studying there. Now for those who are planning to settle their itself, it is a relatively easier road once you get a job there but for those planning to come back, there is a lot of planning that needs to be done. One of the biggest problems for those who have worked for some years outside is the issue of sufficient remuneration as compared to what they are used to earning in their present jobs. This can be a big cause of concern as people tend to get accustomed to a fatter pay-check abroad. Planning ahead helps in sorting things out so that you can adapt to the changes of going back to our own country after having settled down in a completely different lifestyle for years!